Largest Flag- The American Flag of "Ski" Demski
4] Long Beach, CA, US-- The World's Largest Flag is an American
Flag (of course!), "Superflag", made by "Ski" Demski. It measures
505 feet by 225 feet and weighs 3,000 pounds. It takes 500 people
to unfurl. Each star is 17 feet high.
"Ski" Demski had this flag made of cloth and
sewn together in Pennsylvania (his home state) and delivered to
him on Flag Day June 14, 1992.
(click here
to enlarge photo)
Superflag's website
says "The primary focus of Superflag is to bring patriotism,
nationalism, and American sentiment back into our society. Superflag
is but just one of many avenues available to do this."
is a whopping 255 x 505 (ft) version of "Old Glory" and was hung
on cables across the Hoover Dam to mark the 1996 Olympic torch relay.
"It wasn't easy," was Demski's comment. Superflag which weighs in
at 3,000 lbs., has it's own motor home to travel in. No special
equipment is required to move it, says Demski. "You just need a
bunch of people to manhandle it."
(click here
to enlarge photo)
In 1980 "Ski" Demski decided to install a
120 Ft flagpole in front of his home. In July, 1980 on the christening
day, "The Pole" flew a 30 x 60 Ft "Old Glory" on her staff.
"Ski" then commissioned an "American Flag" for
when the hostages from Iran returned. The size of the flag was 47
x 82 Ft. It was raised for the 444 day celebration on January 25,
1981.This same flag was used at the USC Library for when the former
President Bush (I) was campaigning for Vice-President.
That is when "Ski" decided to commission
Superflag I, which was 95 x 160 Ft Superflag's maiden unfurling
was at Tampa, Florida at Superbowl XVIII in January 1984. In the
same year, the flag was presented at the Major League Baseball All-Star
Game in San Francisco, California. 
In 1996 his World's Largest Superflag (255
x 505 Ft), 2.8 football fields large, was hoisted on Hoover Dam
for the Olympic Torch Relay Crossing. "Ski" and the Superflag made
it into the 1997 Guinness Book of Records ® for the "Largest Flag
in the World.
Photo: Super Flag on Hoover Dam
Superflag's grommet's were attached to heavy steel cables attached
to the Hoover Dam by officials of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
which operates the Dam. The steel grommets every 30 inches where
strong enough to hold the flag in heavy wind, and soon after the
Guinness® required time period had passed, one cable snapped!
(click here
to enlarge photo)
Superflag has been unfurled at Superbowls, in
front of the Washington Monument, even dangled from Hoover Dam for
an awe-inspiring photo opportunity.
passed away on 19 January, 2002. Superflag will continue to be displayed
across this great county for the Thomas L. Demski Trust, by Jim
Alexander, as was direction in his Thomas L. Demski Trust; according
to his own wishes, he was cremated and his ashes placed inside the
7-foot eagle atop the 132-foot flagpole outside his home.
(click here to enlarge photo)
Out in front of Demski's Long
Beach home stands a 132 foot flag pole, "The Pole." Demski was also
a Pole, looks something like Santa Claus. A neon sign over his garage
said "The North Pole." A 30x60 foot flag flaps atop the pole.
Why flags? Demski said "Because it represents
our country and what it stands for. It means freedom to me and there's
no sweeter word."
indoor flag-the Romanian flag displayed at Aarhus WC
United States Largest Flag Poster on Amazon