Oldest newspaper columnist-world record
set by Margaret Caldwell
MESQUITE, NV, USA -- Margaret Caldwell, 1940s
pin-up girl and friend of famous film stars, now 102 years
old, writes a weekly column for the Desert
Valley Times in Mesquite, Nevada, setting the world record for the Oldest newspaper columnist.
Margaret Caldwell in 2009
"I think the slogan 'What happens in Las
Vegas stays in Las Vegas' is totally wrong," she told OhmyNews.
"It denotes the wrong kind of reputation for Las Vegas. What
happens in Las Vegas should be in the public domain as far
as I am concerned."
Bly, editor and general manager of the Desert
Valley Times, says "I interviewed Margaret as a centenarian,
and was so taken with her wit and sharpness I asked her to
write a weekly column, which she has been doing faithfully
ever since under the title, 'Memoirs of a Crone,' which was
her choice of titles.
"She simply writes about her life, and our readers
are very fond of her... She still has a way with words."
Margaret Caldwell: "I
was born on Feb. 1, 1907, in the backwoods of Minnesota on
a homestead, 25 miles from Backus, which now has a population
of 2,500 people, the year before Henry Ford came out with
his first Model T Ford." 
Photo: Margaret Caldwell was a pin-up
girl in the 1940s
" I have seen the history of the 20th century;
watched the boys leave for war -- World War I, that is, as
well as World War II, The Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Desert
Storm and Iraq. I remember the 1918-1919 flu epidemic. Any
100 year old has done a lot of living. I think I have packed
more into my lifetime than most."
"Presently I write a weekly column for a
local newspaper, based on my insights and understandings of
the past and present. I'm currently putting together my own
website called MemoirsOfACentenarianCrone.com."
“People often wonder about my religious
beliefs at age 102. I am not a follower of organized anything
but the encompassing thrill of the spirit of compassion that
surrounds our world.
I do not go to church. In this world church to
me is a business — I do not find God there. Perhaps I am Wiccan.
All my life I find God in nature, sweet and calm and loving.”
- Margaret Caldwell, 102, the world’s oldest newspaper
Link: Margaret
Caldwell on MySpace.com
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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