Fastest Clapper: Bryan Bednarek breaks Guinness world record (VIDEO)
CHICAGO, IL, USA -- Bryan Bednarek has just broken the Guinness world record for clapping - which was previously 721 claps in 60 seconds - by smacking his hands together an incredible 13 times a second, to make a total of 802 claps in one minute; he sets the new world record for the Fastest Clapper,
according to the World Record Academy: Photo: Bryan Bednarek, who shattered the previous Guinness World Record of 721 claps in a minute with 802. (enlarge photo)
The Guinness world record for the "Televisions Most Frequent Clapper" was set by Vanna White, with an average of 720 claps per show and over 28,000 per season.
Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the largest clapperboard; it measured 3.11m x 4.00m and was created by a team of 10 people for 'Une Semaine Chrono' in Vendome, France.
According to the Guinness World Records, Kent French (USA) clapped his hands together a total of 721 times in one minute at the studios of KOTA Radio, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA on 26 March 2003.
In the comments on YouTube people asked, why the headphones? Turns out he is listening to a metronome to keep things steady.