Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Longest linear barcode: AC Labels sets world record
DERBY, UK -- To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the patenting of the barcode, variable barcode labelling specialist AC Labels in Derby (UK) has produced a giant linear barcode self adhesive label, measuring 40m long, which uses the classic Code 128 linear barcode symbology to say " HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY BARCODE! " in machine readable format on self adhesive label material, setting the world record for the longest linear barcode self adhesive label,
according to the World Record Academy:

Photo: Karen Jones and Tim Holling from AC Labels holding one end of the monster 40m long barcode label. (enlarge photo)
The Guinness world record for the largest QR code is 28,760 m² (309,570 ft²), and was achieved by Kraay Family Farm, Home of the Lacombe Corn Maze Inc. (Canada) at the Kraay Family Farm in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the smallest and cheapest code-breaking supercomputer, build by Pico Computing, based in Seattle, USA; their $400 mini supercomputer uses a revamped version of a difficult-to-program silicon chip that is decades old and yet arrayed in such a way as to make it more powerful and efficient than anything found within much larger and vastly more expensive supercomputers.
The world's longest linear barcode label, measuring 40m long was constructed using the classic Code 128 linear barcode symbology to say " HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY BARCODE! " in machine readable format on self adhesive label material.
The longest linear barcode in the world was printed in just over 2 minutes on a Xeikon 3300 on a single piece of material without any stitching of the barcode image.
Dr Adrian Steele, Managing Director of the Mercian Labels Group commented "This exercise was undertaken to test the capabilities of our equipment to address unusual barcode label projects as well as celebrating the barcode's birthday.
"Unusually, it is also one of the few labels to leave our factory without knowingly being verified to ANSI standards, but to be honest finding a scanning device up to the job has proved somewhat challenging. Our best idea so far is to ask NASA to spin the Hubble space telescope around and take a snap."
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Monday, November 18, 2013 4:30 PM |