Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Oldest Father: 94-years-old Ramjit Raghav set world record
KHARKHODA, Haryana, India--Ramjit Raghav, a 94-year-old Indian man who's with a woman practically half his age (59), has managed to create a baby, (a boy) thereby setting the new world record for the oldest father alive.
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"This child is God's gift to me," Ramjit Raghav said of the baby, Karamjit.
Raghav said he drinks about 3½ quarts of milk a day, and eats a pound of almonds and a pound of clarified butter, which is known as ghee in India.
Doctors confirmed that his wife, Shankuntala Devi, had a normal delivery -- at age 59. They said the baby boy is healthy.
Some have questioned Ramjit's claim but Dr Paramjeet Singh, chief medical officer at the Kharkhoda civil hospital, said: "Having babies at such an age is a remote possibility, but it just needs one sperm to fertilise an egg." 
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Born in 1916 when George V was Emperor of India, Ramjit has worked as a £44-a-month farm labourer for the past 22 years.
The previous Guinness world record for the Oldest Dad was last set three years ago by another Indian, Nanu Ram Jogi, who sired his 22nd child at 90.
Guinness World Records also recognized the "Earliest father and son to finish in first, second place at the Daytona 500":Bobby Allison (USA) won the Daytona 500 in 1988, with his son, the late Davey Allison (USA), finishing second.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011