Friday, September 4, 2009
Largest cabbage-world record set by Steve Hubacek
PALMER, Alaska, USA -- During the Alaska
State Fair a cabbage brought in by Steve Hubacek
of Wasilla tipped the scales at 125.9 pounds, its head measured
about 21 inches across, and its leaves spanned about 5 feet-setting
the new world record for the Largest
Photo: A cabbage brought in by Steve
Hubacek of Wasilla tipped the scales at 125.9 pounds and set
the new world record for the Largest
cabbage. Photo courtesy Dean Phipps / Alaska
State Fair
Dean Phipps, marketing
director for the fair, said: "I was there when they put it
on," he said. "When they put it on everybody took a couple
steps back and went like, 'Oh, my gosh.' They all had versions
of that and then they started jumping up and down."
The previous Guinness World record for the
cabbage was set at 124 pounds in 1989 by a cabbage
grown in Wales, UK. Prior to that, the cabbage record had
stood for 124 years.
“So in the past 144 years, the cabbage
record has only changed hands twice,” said Kathy Liska,
superintendent for giant vegetables at the Alaska
State Fair.
“It’s great for the Fair. The Fair has
been based around the giant cabbage contest for many years,
but our Fair has never had a world-record
cabbage. Now, we just broke a record held for 20 years.”
Also this year, the Alaska
State Fair saw two world record rutabagas, both submitted
by Scott Robb of Palmer, she said. The first weighed
more than 79 pounds and the second 82.9 pounds.
Other noteworthy giants entered t included
a 594-pound pumpkin from Dale Marshall of Anchorage;
a 146.5-pound watermelon from Scott Robb; and a 17.855-pound
giant puffball mushroom from Pia Cottini of Palmer.
Related world records:
Cucumber-world record set by Yitzhak Yazdanpana
organic cucumber-world record set by the Segee family
potato-world record set by Khalil Semhat
rutabaga-world record set by Norm Craven
cobs on a maize plant-world record set by Mark Wozencroft
cucumber-world record set by Alf Cobb
marrow -world record set by Ken Dade
Spaghetti Bean-world record set by Toni Velardo
water spinach-world record set by Li Hui
horizontal wall of flowers-world record set by Thompson and
Amaranth plant-world record set by Jesse Eldrid
living tree-world record set by a Swedish spruc
dandelion world record found by Bjorn Magne
September 4, 2009