Monday, November 23, 2009
Largest maple leaf-world record set by Hailey
WINDSOR, Ont., USA -- While walking home
with her aunt (Christine Nickolson), 10-year-old Hailey
Nickolson discovered a leaf which has a span of 34 centimetres,
a body height of 23 centimetres and an overall height of 46
centimetres-which sets the world record for the Largest
maple leaf. 
Photo: Christine Nickolson and her niece
Hailey, 10, measure the world's
largest maple leaf . / Photograph by: Jason Kryk, The
Windsor Star (enlarge
The two were returning from shopping
on Wyandotte Street East when Hailey, a Grade 4 student at
Hetherington public school, noticed the world's Largest
maple leaf on the ground.
“I was really excited,” said Hailey. “It’s bigger
than my face and bigger than my hand.”
Hailey, the youngest of three in her family,
and her two older brothers, Dylan and Daniel, helped to research
record holding leaves and ways to preserve them.
“Dylan had a friend whose grandmother was really
into crafts and she suggested the spray-on shellac,” said
her aunt Christine Nickolson.
Nickolson said people often don’t believe
her when she tells them of the discovery. “You kind of have
to see it to believe it,” said Nickolson. “There has been
skepticism but once people see it, their eyes just open right
The Nickolsons plan on eventually separating
the shellacked leaf from its saran wrap backing to frame it.
“It would be nice to frame and donate to the
school (Hetherington public school) for the kids to enjoy
and look at,” said Nickolson.
Related world records:
tomatoes grown on a single truss-Graham Tranter sets world
expensive cow-world record set by Missy
expensive sheep-world record set by Deveronvale Perfection
snake in captivity-world record set by Fluffy
cat-world record set by Scarlett's Magic
rose bush-world record set by Robert Bendel
dog-world record set by Boomer
pumpkin-world record set by Christy Harp
gooseberry-world record set by Bryan Nellist
Cactus-world record set by SDM College of Dental Sciences
November 23, 2009